

Lista produktów producenta: Esh

The Esh concept

A good and simultaneously flexible sound comes only from a masterly processed instrument. And with the use of high-quality materials only, the player is offered a perfect instrument. ESH basses rely solely on the quality of leading European or American suppliers, and on the wood – with the exception of smaller quantities of controlled exotic woods – usually also on American or European wood.

As a brand with a lot of tradition, we feel uncompromisingly committed to highest quality, and can still offer our instruments at a realistic price-range through worldwide distribution and small series production.

We invest in long-term and trusting supplier relationships and develop all models with German top designers by ourselves.

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  • 4 499,00 zł

    Jest to egzemplarz powystawowy ( niewielkie rysy na korpusie od testowania przez klientów sklepu ). ESH Sovereign 5 Greygloss to profesjonalna 5-cio strunowa gitara basowa cenionej niemieckiej firmy ESH. Oczywiście jest to jedyny dostępny egzemplarz!

    4 499,00 zł
    Produkt dostępny. Wysyłka natychmiast.
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